Bags, just like my pair of shoes and piles of clothes, tend to fill my closet. I buy bags not just for comfort, but I also make sure that it suits my personality.
I haven't been obsessing about bags for months now,until I saw this Kathy Van Zeeland bag today. I was trying to ignore
it for two reasons: 1. I still have bags that I haven't used and are just sitting quietly inside my closet 2. It is not the normal bag I would buy that would cost me less than a thousand pesos.I was hesitant to buy it until I saw its uniqueness from the other bags I saw and I felt like the bag was calling me. It was letting me know that I need to get it. I felt like this bag wasn't the common brand I can see in stores that would sell fake stuff. I never knew what a Kathy Van Zeeland brand is in the first place. LOL! I never go for designer bags 'coz I think it's impractical. But this one caught my eye and I never wanted to let go of it.
So, I got it. The price was not as expensive as the first DKNY bag I got, but it was still expensive for my normal way of spending when it comes to bags. I had to check online for the brand after purchasing it (not a very practical way to do though) and thank God the brand has a site and the price was just right. I checked on how to spot if it's a fake and good thing mine is authentic. I had to let go of my cheap purple bag (that I love so much) and use my new printed brown bag with silver buckles and cute rhinestones. After 30 minutes of confusion, I stared at the bag and realized it is actually pretty. What a sigh of relief!
I may not have an LV or a Chanel, but my love for this bag is more than the price one would pay for those very expensive brands.
Simplicity does come with a price!:)