It's been almost 3 months since I left my beloved homeland, The Philippines. I don't go out all the time, but there are things that I've observed that would always remind me I'm already in a different country.
1. Almost all drivers follow traffic rules here. The red light means stop no matter what time of the day it is and they stay in their own lanes.
2. There are no security guards when you enter the mall, grocery store, or movie theatre.
3. Referring to point #3, there's no frisking when you enter such establishments. There were only two places where I've experienced frisking - at the airport and the city hall.
4. The use of Fahrenheit instead of Celsius when reading the scale.
5. That distinct "smell" when you enter the house. It's the scent you will smell when you open a balikbayan box back home. I love the smell so much, but Tim says he doesn't know what I'm talking about. lol!
6. They use a LOT of plastic bags - and I mean a LOT!
7. One won't get a spoon when eating at restaurants all the time. You will get a fork and a knife instead. I still have to master eating rice with a fork. LOL!
8. Internet connection is FAST.
9. The air is clean.
10. They will always say "Hi, how are you" no matter where you are, and not the typical "good morning Ma'am or good morning Sir".
11. A basin of water and a dipper is nowhere to be found here. LOL!
12. Paper towels, plastic wraps, aluminum foils, and ziplock bags are your best friends when you love to cook in the kitchen.
13. Call before visiting another person's house.
14. Jeepneys are nowhere in site.
15. Buses only stop at the designated bus stops.
(to be continued)