We had to pick up our dinner at the Chinese take out place tonight. I was excited to go with my husband to pick it up and I was a little surprised that when we went out of our apartment, I saw a couple kissing each other - the woman on the driver's seat and the man just right outside the car. Then my hubby surprised me by saying "oh!" I thought he was also surprised with what I saw until I realized what he was warning me about - a motherpumpkin chihuahua who went charging at me! It wanted to taste my bare tanned feet! I was wearing flip flops and shorts, so it had all the freedom to skin me alive. I was so nervous that instead of moving away from it, I was moving towards it! I tried running but it charged at me again! Good thing my husband was with me and he scared the ugly mutt away. But it was like a 5 minute struggle with that ugly creature! I hate chihuahuas! But I'm glad it was a chihuahua 'coz if it did bite me, I won't be losing my whole foot. If it were a pitbull or a rottweiler, wow, you guys would be visiting my wake by now. But that was the longest 5 minutes of my life. After that incident I felt my heart move up to my throat that I almost spit it out. I'm not a big fan of animals 'coz of my fear of being bitten. I am still coping with my near death experience with a chihuahua.