If ever there is a wish I could grant myself, if not the whole world, Selective Amnesia will be it - the ability to erase from permanent memory any event, trauma, moments of immense pleasure or extreme pain at will without affecting other memories. It’s the same concept of the movie " Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind." How I wish I can erase memories that are keeping me stranded in my life’s drama.
Response to pain is the most basic reflex action. But, to endure the same pain everyday, once you’ve learned the lesson, will allow it to fester wounds deep within your soul until it grows to such proportions that it slowly begins to kill you on the inside.
Until Science finds a way to make Eternal Sunshine a reality, I guess each of us will have to continue to bear our cross to our end and live in the eternal fear of somebody else discovering the skeletons that we so deeply bury in the graves of our conscience.