My husband and I were supposed to go to this Crawfish party at 2210 S Rio Grande Ave (, but we wimped out ‘coz we heard that it’s going to rain tonight. Plus they have an entrance fee of $25/ person and $2 for a boat of crawfish. So we figured we just get some crawfish at Publix, cook it and just enjoy our time at home.
So what is a crawfish? Crayfish, crawfish, or crawdads — members of thesuperfamiliesAstacoidea and Parastacoidea — are freshwatercrustaceans resembling small lobsters, to which they are related. They breathe through feather-like gills and are found in bodies of water that do not freeze to the bottom; they are also mostly found in brooks and streams where there is fresh water running, and which have shelter against predators. Most crayfish cannot tolerate polluted water, although some species such as theinvasiveProcambarus clarkii are more hardy. Crayfish feed on living and dead animals and plants.[1] (source:
I am not really sure if we had crawfish back in the Philippines, ‘coz I have never tasted one when I was there. To me, the crawfish looked like a shrimp and crabs in one body. And yes, eating it is also as annoying as eating shrimps and crabs. J I never had any idea on how to cook crawfish and I didn’t check online how to cook it before we bought a bag at Publix, so I didn’t have the ingredients needed in cooking the whole thing. What I did is improvise and mashed some garlic – never minced them ‘coz it’s going to be tedious and we were both hungry, salt, and bring the two ingredients to boil. When it was boiling, I placed the seasoned bag of crawfish in the pot and cooked it for about 5 minutes. Just drained it afterwards and voila! Crawfish party at home! J
I had too much to eat that I am feeling a little lethargic right now. So I am keeping this short.
And this one's for dessert.