I am selectively listening to Blood Hound Gang's Uhn tiss Uhn Tiss Uhn Tiss almost the whole day. I say selectively, 'coz the lyrics is not really something you would be proud to share to everyone. But the beat is catchy and it triggers my happy brain neurons and makes me want to talk about....king crab legs. Yes, the king crab legs I had last Friday.
King Crab legsI love crabs especially if it's cooked in coconut milk. My mom used to cook one whole pot for me everytime I visit Bukidnon. It's such a treat 'coz the Davao-Bukidnon trip takes around 4 hours, so going home to hot rice and a pot of crabs cooked in coconut milk is like being in heaven. It makes me forget how sucky my trip was and just makes me thank my mom for cooking my favorite food. But gone were those days when I just tell my mom I want crabs, 'coz here the crabs are very expensive! They don't have the wet market we have in Valencia that sells crabs for 240php per kilo. The cheapest is 8.99 USD per lb here. When you go to restaurants, it's like you're committing suicide when you see the price for crabs or lobsters. I haven't had crabs since January. I had snow crabs when I got here but it made my tummy hurt, so I wasn't so happy about that.
Then last Friday, my wonderful husband was nice enough to get king crab legs at Publix! It wasn't the crabs cooked in coconut milk, but I was able to taste steamed and seasoned king crab legs. I never had king crab legs so I was pretty excited about having it for dinner. Gone were the days when I can still finish a pot of crabs. The king crab legs are ginormous (gigantic+enormous) that I gave up on the 4th piece. I had 2 legs as left overs 'coz I was getting dizzy from being too stuffed. The king crab legs is not for show. Once you open it, you have tons of meat! You eat it by dipping it in melted butter and then it's like a party inside your mouth. It was not a great idea to eat it with rice 'coz it made me feel like my stomach was about to blow up. I had to say bye bye to the two legs and leave it in the fridge for me to be able to survive for the rest of the evening.

Having crabs for dinner is indeed a treat! I hope I can have the blue crabs cooked in coconut milk soon. I miss my mom's cooking, but she just won't share to me the recipe she has for my favorite crabs. Way to go mom! :P
Now back to my uhn tiss uhn tiss session. :)
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