I started my day at 9:30am. Hubby drove me off to the Social Security office to get my name changed. I had to wait 15 minutes under the scorching heat of the sun with the rest of 10 or more people because they are following the fire hazard rules and only a certain number of people are allowed at a time. I went there with everything prepared, so when we were allowed to go inside, a man handed me my number to get my name changed. To my horror, the number of the screen is 204 and I have 257 in my hand. I already psyched myself that it's going to be a long wait. I didn't bring a book, so what I did was observe people. There were a lot of Hispanics and Blacks. There were also Asians like me, but they were all Chinese. I didn't see any Filipino inside that office today - well at least where I was sitting. The guard was very strict with cellphones, but there are still some people who won't listen and they got reprimanded. The guard warned a man that if he uses his phone again, he will be forced to leave the building and pay the $250 fine. I didn't risk my chance, so I kept my phone and placed it on silent mode. After 2 hours, I finally see my number flashing and I was called to proceed to window 7. The lady was nice and she didn't give me a hard time in changing my last name. She just told me though that it's going to take longer to get my new card 'coz my immigration documents will need verification. I hope I can get my new card under my married name in less than 4 weeks so I can start working if a company calls me up.
As I was about to leave the Social Security office, the same guard who was so strict in imposing the rules, opened the door and asked me "Filipino?" I said yes and he told me "Salamat!" That made me happy 'coz I am finally recognized as a Filipino and not a Puerto Rican or Chinese. That guard has been nice to me since my first visit to the SS office. He is a bit tough on people who won't follow rules.
I was happy that I have accomplished my mission for the day. It was time to head home. I had to wait another 30 mins for the bus and I took this picture of how our bus stop looks like here.Unlike in the Philippines, buses would stop anywhere and in anytime of the day. Here, buses arrive at a scheduled time and they can only drop off and pick up passengers at designated bus stops. If you are not at the bus stop at a particular time, you are screwed. It was terribly hot today and I'm glad that I wore sunscreen for my arms and legs and a good amount of sunblock for my face.

I walked out of there with a happy heart even if I wasn't able to get the office pants I needed. I had to head home before I get caught in the heavy downpour again and I was also hungry, so I walked 4 blocks towards home under the heat of the sun with a smile on my face because I conquered this day on my own! Believe me, I had FUN!!!
Glad you had fun on your adventure. I am just worried about you. Orlando is not the safest place to walk, so if you plan on doing it again, bring something like a pen and hide it in your pocket. And get ready to poke anybody in the eye. Anybody that comes near you, that is. ;-)
Don't worry about me, I will be fine. I walk the streets of Manila on my own. I am cautious when I am out 'coz I already had a traumatic experience in Manila being mugged inside a cab. I will just kick that person in the nuts and run. :D